Coming Together as a Community
North Texas Giving Tuesday Now was the first-ever giving day collaboration between United Way of Metropolitan Dallas, Communities Foundation of Texas, and Dallas Cowboys.
GivingTuesdayNow gave all three organizations the opportunity to team together to make the biggest impact as possible for their community of North Texas. Working together they raised more than $20.7 million for over 2,500 North Texas nonprofits, as well as an additional $21.8 million contributed to COVID-19 relief funds.

“Together, we were able to do something much better than what we could have done on our own.”
Susan Smith, Chief Giving Day Officer at CFT
Their Community Giving Solution
The Power of Philanthropy and Community
Dollars Raised
Additional Dollars Contributed to Relief Funds
North Texas Nonprofits Supported
COVID-19 prevented people from gathering in person, but North Texas still found a way to come together. Organizers and nonprofits hosted virtual music concerts, art performances, and volunteer opportunities taking place during the global #GivingTuesdayNow event.
Fostering Collaboration During COVID
North Texas Giving Tuesday Now was created as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic and GivingTuesday’s call to action. North Texas Giving Day’s flagship fall event takes months of preparation, but their team was still able to pull this event off with only a few weeks time to prepare.
Luckily, the Communities Foundation of Texas did not have to do it alone; they rallied together with United Way of Metropolitan Dallas and Dallas Cowboys to address the challenging times facing the North Texas community.
The success of North Texas Giving Tuesday Now underscores the importance of coming together as a community to give and support others.
The Community Giving Event Solution
North Texas Giving Day’s flagship fall event, hosted on Neon One, usually has loads of training, in-person events, and balloons. It has been described in the past as, a party with a purpose. But much of that had to change without the time or availability to meet in person.
In a short time, North Texas Giving Day’s website was modified to represent all three partners equally. They also set new criteria for early giving and nonprofit participation and quickly created virtual fundraising training for participating nonprofits. This collaboration resulted in:
- A successful 18-hour giving event
- 45,000 total individual donors
- 9,400 donors pledged ~300,000 volunteer hours
#GivingTuesdayNow Takeaways
- Impact should be measure by more than dollars raised — consider the number of nonprofits that participated, the amount of new donors and volunteers, and net new pledged volunteer hours.
- Giving Events are about community. Include your community partners in your giving event because there is power around teaming up and doing things together.
- Don’t be afraid of change. #GivingTuesdayNow taught everyone that being nimble and allowing change to happen can yield great results.

Discover your Community Giving Event potential. When you have an easy-to-use software ecosystem, the sky’s the limit for your mission-focused organization. Let’s get there together.