0:00 Great. So if you don't mind, just as we typically do in most of these webinars, I would love to get an idea of who we have in the room where you guys are coming from. This also gives us a good starting point with making sure that our chat functionality is working. So please go ahead, feel free to type into the chat. Awesome. Thank you cam, you are the first from Michigan Inkster, Michigan, Des Moines, Iowa. Wow, so many people from all over nasty weather here. I'm sorry about that where it was, I think that was out in Pittsburgh. 0:34 Hey, Jim. 0:39 Great, Houston. I bet it's warm. They're 0:43 awesome. Welcome, welcome. Everyone really excited about the start of gearing up for it this year is in fact, the 10th anniversary of Giving Tuesday. So it was founded, of course, back in 2012. So 1:00 just to mention and reiterate, this is a two part webinar series. So this is of course, the first one, we will be holding Part Two tomorrow, same time, same place, you can use the same exact Login link. 1:15 Great. So thank you, everybody. The chat is definitely working. So thank you very much. And I have a few of my colleagues here as well. You'll see Toba Goodman, in the room. She is our consulting manager, she is actually hosting Part Two tomorrow. And then we have a few other staff members who will be facilitating any questions, so when the q&a as well as the chat functionality. 1:40 So let's go ahead and get started. It looks like we have a little over 100 folks that have joined us today. So again, thank you. My name is Sam and I will be presenting on the webinar this afternoon. 1:57 So to get started, I want to go ahead and actually jump right in, give us a brief rundown of what we can expect in part one of today's webinar. So I'll just give a general introduction, a few housekeeping rules. Talk a little bit about the chat functionality, which we know is working, I'll be asking a few questions. And also want to utilize this space for kind of brainstorming and kind of sharing ideas. As we walk through some of the slides today. We'll dive into what GivingTuesday is what what the day was meant for not big historical background, we can all Google that. But really diving in what it means for your organization. 2:39 I'm going to go over 2021 Giving Tuesday statistics, just general statistics and then dive into some neon statistics. And then we're going to spend the majority of our time taking a look at the neon one Giving Tuesday toolkit. I'll be talking a bit about the different templates and offerings that we have included in the toolkit, starting with some of our planning, worksheets and things of that nature diving into email templates. And then last but not least part three is going to conclude us with communication and scheduling. We'll wrap things up by talking a bit about a few resources that we'll be sending your way. And then again, talking about part two, which as mentioned, is going to be led by Towba. Same time, same place, same login. Tomorrow will be more practical usage inside of the neon CRM system. Today. We're just discussing really what what the toolkit is and how it is meant to be used by your organization. 3:47 So just a general introduction about myself. My name is Sam. I am the Product Marketing Manager here at NEON one. 3:56 As we can see on screen here I mentioned at the beginning of the webinar, I'm located in Colorado. So this is a beautiful picture of Maroon Bells. And this is my pup Stevie. She's a border collie mix, so she actually comes on pretty much every hike with me. So 4:12 really excited to be walking everyone through this excited about this year's Giving Tuesday. Again, it's the 10th anniversary. I think we all can capitalize on that fact, which is super exciting. So just diving into a bit of housekeeping. I did see this in the chat. So yes, this is being recorded. Actually, all of our webinars are recorded for future reference. So you can find those on the neon one.com website. Under resources. We have the full slide decks as well as the transcript if needed, along with the full recordings. Yes, we will be taking questions. As you can see, we have the chat going here with everybody introducing themselves. But please know that my colleague Toba a few other 5:00 Some of our colleagues will be answering questions. And no question is a dumb question. So please answer it. And I really, again want to use the chat functionality as more of kind of a place where we can share information today as well. 5:14 Following today, as well as tomorrow, we will have a ton of resources for you. So we'll be covering a lot of information. But please know that on Friday, after both of these sessions have wrapped up in your follow up email, we're providing direct links to a variety of our different Giving Tuesday resources are giving Tuesday toolkit if you haven't taken a look at that already. So please know that that's coming your way. 5:44 So to start here, again, using the chat functionality, I want to just ask a simple question, how many Giving Tuesday campaigns have you participated in? 5:57 So because of course, this is the 10th Year of Giving Tuesday, I'm just interested in knowing Okay, so we have a lot of ones, we have a lot of zeros, we got a five in there. Can anybody beat five? 6:11 First time a lot of first times, wow, since 2016. Awesome. First one. Great. So we're kind of across the board here, we've had folks that have participated in zero, this is going to be your very first GivingTuesday campaign, we have some more kind of mid mid level folks who have participated in 123. And then some seasoned folks who have participated in in five plus giving Tuesday's 6:39 so what I'm going to going to share today is really just a toolkit. So we're providing you resources that you can use that are in your system. And I'll just be explaining a variety of those today. So 6:55 if you're not aware, you're coming, this is your brand new, you know, hey, this is my first year and giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday is really a moment to inspire generosity. So on this next screen here, I would also like to use the chat functionality. What does Giving Tuesday mean to you? So I participated in a few Prior to working at NEON, I worked in fundraising and development at both an arts organization as well as a social service agency 7:26 and have have worked and done a few giving Tuesday's so here are just a few kind of anecdotal pieces of information of what Giving Tuesday has has meant to some people. So some people will define it perhaps as a movement to inspire generosity, an international day of giving, because it's not just within the United States. It's it's international. Oh, Courtney, great, honestly, it's kind of a pain, opera. Great in this last kind of bullet point here. On the contrary, not everyone thinks that a GivingTuesday campaign is perhaps the best way to increase support for your organization. Great, it's become a huge, huge day. It's one of the biggest days, if not the biggest day, giving day of the year. 8:15 It was built almost as a in this sense and ingenious way for an any any size organization to gain greater awareness. So countering consumerism, essentially. So we have, you know, your Thanksgiving, we have then your Black Friday, we've tacked on Cyber Monday. So giving Tuesday was really kind of evolved to have his day of giving back. So some folks take a look at GivingTuesday as kind of a starting point for kind of, you know, hitting the campaign off with their urine donor cultivation. 8:52 Some organizations, even even companies, I mean, there's tons of corporations that participate, of course, in Giving Tuesday, that can help build a sense of community, whether that's within the, you know, a corporate company itself, maybe that's with one of your bigger sponsors, maybe that's a big day of matching with some of your sponsors. 9:12 But again, giving Tuesday doesn't have to be solely about monetary donations. So really starting to think outside the box. I was actually just at the gym last night, and there's a GivingTuesday blood drive. So I was like, great. I should I should go over to mobile drum, blood drive bank so great. It's it's another way to give to the greater good or greater community without actually, you know, giving financially, in a sense. 9:41 All right, so I just want to read take a look at a few of these. 9:46 Great, it's a great way for smaller organizations to tap into a global opportunity to for fundraising. 9:54 Seems in the past few years, almost too many groups are participating. Yes. I mean, we've seen over time 10:00 I'm that in this is a great segue actually, that leads us into some other statistics that we can take a look at. 10:10 But I see some we're not using Facebook this year with GivingTuesday. Campaign. 10:15 Great. So I'm just yeah, this is is great feedback. It sounds like we have folks that are excited and getting ready to use it relying on certain platforms like perhaps Facebook fundraising. Or perhaps you know, whether that's a direct mail piece, or really trying new things out for forgiving Tuesday. So just want to go over a few statistics 10:42 from 2021. So the hashtag in general, Giving Tuesday, actually gets billions of different impressions every single year. So it's, it's one of the most widely used hashtags out there. 35 million people actually participated last year in Giving Tuesday, and again, that's across the world. So 80 countries participated throughout, you know, hundreds of different cities internationally. 11:11 This was actually something that was interested, interesting 30%, of giving Tuesday, donations were donated goods. So this is, you know, let's say I am a community organization or a homeless shelter, an animal shelter. So rather than or in conjunction to asking for a financial gift, we can also ask for 11:38 maybe coats for the upcoming winter, maybe blankets for the animal adoption center, maybe it can be schools, approach supplies, things of that nature. So so different goods that can be donated to your organization. People feel good going out and buying, you know, every year, I participate in, you know, choose, you know, a few children within the community that are disenfranchised, to you know, our our meeting gifts this holiday season, and going out and purchasing those gifts, wrapping those gifts, it feels good for, for me, to actually do that to have that hands on kind of gift giving and donation rather than just filling out a donation form. But for those that maybe don't have that time, or don't have the resources to give goods or their time, we can see 50% actually donated with money, so on likely a an online donation form. And then 28% of folks actually volunteer their time. So this is especially impactful if you are a volunteer driven organization, and you have many different programs that volunteers can participate in, especially throughout the year. GivingTuesday is a great time to kind of perhaps launch some of those different volunteer projects and opportunities, just to create some buds for those as well. 13:01 A few other statistics that I found interesting 52% of people were actually drawn to the idea of giving Tuesday, because it is this idea of a larger group, a larger group of people that are doing good across the world. So just one day, hopefully we can spread that out throughout the year. But that was an interesting statistic. 13:28 And then here 82% of organizations used GivingTuesday to try something new. So especially within the chat here, I saw a few comments about you know, perhaps using a Facebook fundraiser or not to use a Facebook fundraiser. And so many organizations try, you know, maybe putting their heads together, brainstorming with up some new ideas and new ways to kind of launch a campaign. So perhaps this is the year that some of you more seasoned GivingTuesday veterans can try something new. 14:03 And then 82% of 18 to 34 year olds who knew what Giving Tuesday was actually participate? 14:13 I definitely do i i do this with my family. You know, every year before Thanksgiving, I'll talk a little bit about, hey, you know, I'm donating to XYZ organizations. You know, what are some organizations that perhaps are within your community aunt and uncle who live in Florida that you might be donating to? I also try and spike up that conversation at Thanksgiving as well because if a person or one of my family members perhaps didn't donate to an organization, I'm likely GivingTuesday campaigns or urine campaigns are being launched. So they can kind of take whatever I say, as a grain of salt, if you will, but then actually go out and make a difference within there. 15:00 community. 15:02 And then up next year, I wanted to just touch on a few statistics that here at NEON one we have seen within 2021. So using our kind of products, we actually saw and took, really, I mean analyzed all of our data from giving Tuesday's, from our platforms, 110% increase of raised revenue on GivingTuesday 46% increase of new donors on GivingTuesday, average online donation was a 20% increase, which is pretty awesome. 15:41 One, this is kind of the big area $181, almost $182 was the average online donation, which I found fascinating. 15:51 I mean, especially with folks that perhaps are giving to maybe, you know, three to five different organizations within their community on Giving Tuesday, you would expect maybe a smaller gift. But in some instances, donors are like, Nope, I'm, you know, I'm picking one organization a year, every Giving Tuesday, and I'm giving my large one time gift to XYZ organization. 16:15 We saw a ton of emails being sent out. And then we saw 96 donations per peer to peer fundraising campaign. So very interested also, in terms of just launching your GivingTuesday campaign, in conjunction with that, why not launch a peer to peer campaign as well, if you do have a strong board, or if you do have perhaps even a very strong fundraising staff, or perhaps just just volunteers, it's a great way to kind of create buzz, and really kind of have a peer to peer GivingTuesday campaign in conjunction with the overall launch of the GivingTuesday. campaign. 16:59 So just want to take a look at our chat here. 17:04 Great, I love 17:07 the talk talking beats amongst everyone. 17:12 We push people to our website, not Facebook, 17:16 great trying to get buy in from Board of Directors. Yes, and I think that's a that's a great point, especially working if you have a working board. I mean, even you know giving them some of the reins of helping to build out and have the actual buy in and in building and structuring of GivingTuesday campaign and giving them really kind of the tools to be able to build a successful campaign will will create just that, that sense of buy in as well. 17:47 So that's actually a really great segue into what we're going to talk about next, which is the neon serum, Giving Tuesday toolkit. So 17:57 we will disseminate a link to the full toolkit after this. But really what today's kind of webinar is about is talking through the toolkit, and how you can use it and apply it even starting today or after this webinar. So really, it was designed to help you plan your own campaign. Think of it as almost like a workbook, not really a set of rules, you might not want to send every single piece of communication or email template, or social media template that we that our team has put together. 18:38 But any in we're going to walk through a few timelines today as well. You're the expert with your donors, their preferences, especially those of you who have run GivingTuesday campaigns before, you know what has worked for your organization in the past, and you know what has not worked. So today, we're just going to be diving into a few of those, starting with planning. 19:03 So we're going to dive into a few planning worksheets here. 19:11 So there are basically three parts of the toolkit, as we saw before, which is going to be the planning worksheets, email templates, and then social media templates. 19:22 So first, I'm going to talk a little bit about giving Tuesday logistics. So these are just very bare bones questions, just getting your internal team together if you are a team of one hat's off to you, but these at least are good prompts to get you thinking. So if you did participate in Giving Tuesday, last year or in years past, you know, maybe it's beneficial to write down how much you raised year over year. What's your fundraising goal this year? What channels will you use to connect with your donors so I thought I saw a lot of 20:00 folks in the chat talking about utilizing Facebook, of course, any type of social, you know, media, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, but we don't want to leave out, of course, email, direct mail, perhaps some of you use text messages with some of your, perhaps, like, higher end or major donors. Or if you perhaps use like any type of YouTube or other streaming device, and then who is responsible for managing each channel. So likely you don't have, you know, a dedicated social media person. Um, but you know, if, if you want to make posts, let's make sure that that we understand what that schedule will look like, as well. So what is the schedule for each of those channels? Are you posting every single day on social media? Is it the same thing, we'll walk through a few different ways and a few different ideas on how to get those schedules aligned. But just making sure you know, if you do have a small team, everyone's on the same page. And of course, we're using consistent messaging as well. 21:09 And then we're going to touch a little bit on Giving Tuesday fundraising assets. So I'll walk through a few online giving Tuesday. 21:19 Or basically, of course, we'll have to create an online giving Tuesday donation form, specifically for giving Tuesday. So I will definitely touch touch on next here donation page checklist, just for the form itself, we want to make sure that we have a dedicated Giving Tuesday donation receipt, as well as a thank you message. 21:44 We also want to make sure that we have segmented email lists and contact lists for different appeals. 21:51 Tomorrow, Toby is going to actually walk us through a few CRM workflows, for giving Tuesday donors and how those can be applied in your system and set up. And then also kind of a bonus here, but perhaps you write 22:07 a brief blog about giving Tuesday, or perhaps if you're a more seasoned veteran, who knows if you have maybe a dedicated webpage, maybe it's like a just one page Giving Tuesday, information about your campaign has some storytelling information on it, how donors can give the impact that they make, so on and so forth. 22:31 And then in terms of planning, 22:34 these are the big parts These are like the guts of of your Giving Tuesday planning. So giving Tuesday story planning. 22:44 Here are some just general recommendations on on how to start thinking about formulating and coming up with your messaging. 22:56 So Gibby, who is the main character of your story? So how are you going to refer to kind of your your donors throughout, you know, the the process of your campaign? 23:12 And then we have what problems does your character face? So providing, you know, different? You know, what prompted them to contact your organization in the first place? What was the solution to your characters problem? How did your donors generosity help solve their issue? What will you ask your donors to do after they've read your story? What will impact like, you know, what impacts? Will you tell them that will make them give? How will their gift help others like the character that you've developed? And we'll we'll dive into kind of the the character of the story here in a moment. Great. So we have a lot a 23:52 board of directors board of directors, 23:55 give Giving Tuesday messaging so I will I will definitely hammer home this piece. I think this is very important because this is the the direct messaging that you're having with your donors with your supporters. So how will you refer to your donors throughout your campaign? So using things like unique Descriptors to refer to your supporters can actually help them identify with the campaign. So it appeals to their sense of identity and makes them feel like they're a part of a special group of people who are working together to make a difference which in fact, they are. Example, descriptors could include animal heroes, conservation warriors, youth advocates, perhaps some of you use these types of identifiers already, to kind of segment your different groups of supporters and donors. But please feel free to share any examples or ideas in the chat for different kinds of differentiators and just descriptors that 25:00 use for 25:02 your donors or your supporters? And then what impact statements will you use? So impact statements help donors understand what their gift will accomplish. It gives their gift a sense of meaning. So, while they save, will they save the life of an animal at an animal shelter? Will your donors help fund a scholarship for students? Will they feed hungry families? So really even just sitting down with your internal team, perhaps this is a great activity and great exercise to do with some of your board members brainstorm impact statements, you know, and then from there, choose the impact statements that best fit the story that you've outlined during kind of this this story planning phase. 25:50 And then, can you tie specific donation amounts to tangible items or outcomes. So this is a very powerful tactic. Donors can easily digest and understand the impact of their donation, you're literally giving it to them. So you could say $50 provides a routine checkup, or veterinarian care for one animal at our shelter. Here's an example of that animal. $25 provides classrooms, school supplies for one of our kids in our program, and then highlight one of the kids in the program within the storytelling phase. 26:30 And then last but not least, what specific calls to action will you use. So common ones we see all the time, donate now make a gift, make a contribution? 26:41 I'm encouraging folks to be a little bit more creative, be a little bit more unique. This is going to help mobilize your supporters and tie your calls to action to your story. So care for a pet and need support my community set up a child for success. So again, relating it back to your story. 27:07 Oh, awesome. We have trying together Pisano here, we've referred to donors as the following since we are an early childhood organization, great early childhood supporter, awesome. I love this idea that it's $5 per month or $60 annually. So you're literally saying hey, you know, $5 a month, you know, is $60 annually, can you support that, Hey, maybe I can I can afford more than $60 a year, right? I'm gonna I'm gonna bump up to the Early Childhood Sustainer. And then the trying together champion. Love this. Thank you, for that example. 27:44 Superheroes for play. That's awesome, Lindsey, I really love that. Yeah, so finding just fun and creative ways that you can really I mean, build a story. 27:57 And again, I will hammer this home. But if you are really trying to engage, perhaps your board members, or your associate board members, these are great exercises just like to build out like story planning or build out impact statements, because it also gives them buy in. It also, you know, gives them a sense of like, 28:18 Hey, I'm contributing, like in a in a different way than just like, you know, mapping out financials and things, things of that nature. I know that board members do a lot more than that. But you know, just it's it's a fun activity, and in my opinion, 28:35 and then up next, as mentioned before, I just wanted to touch a little bit on donation form best practices. So within the toolkit, and I've done a few webinars on this before in terms of like, donation, form, best practices, things like that, but specifically for GivingTuesday. These are just a few things that our team has put together 29:01 that we think have has made a true impact. So make sure that your donate button is brightly colored and easy to find on your website, like, especially if you're gonna highlight Giving Tuesday. It's one day only if you can, like create a pop up or just have it be on your homepage of you know, hey, it's giving Tuesday, have a big, you know, call to action button that is brightly colored. And then of course, make sure that that donate button takes you directly to the donation page. I know that sounds funny, but we have seen organizations that will the the donate or the call to action button will take them to you know another page about storytelling and things like that. 29:46 We want to add in that storytelling element. But let's try to do that from the like. 29:53 I'm telling you about our Giving Tuesday campaign. And then here with the giant brightly colored button that says 30:00 support my community through giving Tuesday or something, I can click it. And I can immediately make my my donation. 30:09 form includes high quality imagery. We have a bonus, a bonus checklist item here, which is to use the photo on the donation form. That is the same photo of the character that you're using in your campaign story. So again, like you're tying in the email, perhaps which we'll talk about in a bit that the donor may have read and received last week, 30:37 with the same photo, or, you know, using the same character, to kind of tie those things back, like, wow, yes, I remember this, I remember, you know, the story that they said about, so and so, oh, yeah, this is the same, you know, person or this is the same animal. 30:56 Make sure the form includes a brief statement about the impact the donor will make when they give, of course, again, bonus here, impact statement that directly relates to that story. And, and in any calls to that action. And then making sure that our thank yous are aligned as well. So we don't want to like you know, spend all of our time launching this great GivingTuesday campaign in our storytelling, and then just have some generic, hey, thanks for your donation. So we want to make sure that we're including different elements throughout the campaign. So that includes your your impact statements, that includes maybe you know, snippets from your story, that includes imagery that you're using within kind of that storyline. 31:44 And then we want to make sure that the receipt directly references the donors gift details, so making sure that it says you know, thank you for your Giving Tuesday. 31:55 Donation of XYZ. So just just small little tweaks that will will really make an impact on those donors. 32:06 Next, here, we're gonna dive into email templates. So I'm just gonna grab last sip sip of water. 32:17 I'm just reading some of the chat here real quick. 32:25 Oh, I love this. Yeah. 32:28 So 32:31 Jennifer, it sounds like we are in economic development. 501 C, three main street organization, have had a hard time to build that story. Virginia. Awesome. Thank you for chiming in. So for economic development, you could maybe tell a story how to make the city safer, better to live in better for business? Yeah, that's, that's absolutely. And it doesn't necessarily have to be. Like when I, when I mentioned character, like a character doesn't necessarily have to be one individual person or one individual pet. In this sense, we could actually, the character could be the community. So it's almost like doing kind of a creative exercise where like, if a if our community was a person, 33:16 what are some of the problems that they're facing within the within the overall community today? So it's a bit harder in terms of a brainstorming 33:28 type of exercise, but But it actually could be kind of fun. 33:32 So bringing us back here to email templates, again, is part two, I'm going to walk through what we've included in our toolkit. So again, neon CRM has you covered. So as of right now, you can actually go into your neon CRM system and you can find your Giving Tuesday templates right now. We have the following templates. So we have a save the date, we have actually quite a few save the date templates. We have a few different give today templates, we have templates for your thank yous. And then we even have included a post event template as well. So after giving Tuesday, takes place after you've automated your thank yous to be sent out. 34:19 We've created you know, a template hey, what can you do a week from now? Tomorrow Tov is actually going to be going over a bit more in terms of where these live inside of your system, as well as a bit more about segmentation, and how we can contact donors post event post Giving Tuesday as well. 34:46 And then we've also created different email appeal templates for the following mission specific organizations. So animal welfare, arts and culture, Health and Human Services, nature and conservation youth 35:00 Education. 35:01 If you do not see your mission specific in these, perhaps you could take a look at them. And especially like, hey, if I'm like an advocacy organization, you might want to take a look actually at like the nature and conservation and youth and education because it kind of aligns with, you know, the type of language that you would be using. 35:25 And then with these templates, on our next slide here, I'm just going to walk through an example of one of our templates. So we have pre written all of these templates. And as mentioned before, you by no means need to use the same language. This is, these are 100%, completely editable. So this is just an example of our save the date templates. So this is just one, I believe we have three, save the date templates. So we've even included things like the subject line. So join us on Giving Tuesday. So this save the date template is something that you would use, of course, to save the date. So today is October 26. 36:14 You could, you know, review these in your neon CRM system and perhaps send out a save the date template, you know, the first week in November. 36:24 So it's saying, hey, you know, what are you doing Tuesday, November 29, that is that day is giving Tuesday. So it's giving, you know, a general synopsis of what Giving Tuesday is, and then it's going to give you prompts. So this year, and then you enter in your organization name, the goal, so how much you're looking to raise your impact statement. So again, this is kind of reflecting back on the planning initiatives. So hey, let's get a tried and true impact statement down. 36:57 And then we have here's, you know, here are the different ways you can get involved. So we do have a prompt within the toolkit that provides a link to allow a user to, you know, automatically add GivingTuesday from your organization onto their calendar. 37:13 Here, it's saying donate to you'll enter in your organization's name, you'll say, this is the link to our GivingTuesday donation form. Great entering the link there, follow us on Facebook, you know, share some, you know, stories updates with us spread the words by telling your friends in these in this area, I mean, especially if you are, you know, if you have volunteer opportunities, hey, sign up to become a volunteer, you can potentially tie those volunteer opportunities to your GivingTuesday campaign. 37:46 And then if you are collecting different goods or 37:50 something like that, we can also list you know, here are other ways, other ways that you can help as well. 38:01 Great, it looks like we have quite a few 38:07 questions here. 38:15 Yes, so, Toba is going to actually go through the templates 38:23 tomorrow, but if you do go into your neon CRM system up in the top of your navigation bar, when you click under emails, you can click under email campaigns and the templates will actually live in the in the template area of the email campaigns. 38:40 So up next, as we saw just kind of the template, what happens when we put the template to use so on the next screen here, 38:48 I'm bringing up an example of one of the neon templates and I believe this one is actually one of the gift today giving Tuesday templates that you can find in your system. 38:59 So I just want to point out a few things. If we read here, we're talking about Miley story. So we've identified that Miley in this case is our character of the story that we're going to focus on. 39:12 What problems does smiley face? So Miley is an amazing dog who is waiting to receive surgery for her torn CCl. 39:22 So there's the problem. 39:24 What is the solution? So the solution is with donations, we were able to cover medical expenses during the foster so that the Jones could adopt their new family member. So the money or the donations that helped me heal the organization was able to then cover medic medical expenses for Miley. 39:47 And then we have as we can see, we've we've bolded the areas of 39:54 places where your organization will be able to insert your own information here so 40:00 In 40:01 this Giving Tuesday, we're working to raise again the goal $50,000 To help animals like Miley. So again, how does the donors generosity help to solve the problem, money will help other animals like Miley. And then we have, we want to make sure that we're also including direct ask for impact. So your generosity will make it possible for other animals to heal in the foster program. 40:31 So this is just a very brief example of what that will look like i We've split this up. So essentially, it'd be a longer a long email where you'd scroll down. 40:41 But again, these can be found directly in your neon CRM system. 40:49 In up next here, 40:52 I want to talk a little bit about communication and scheduling. So we're going to talk I'm going to kind of first dive into just an example of one of our social media templates that we have as part of the toolkit. But then I'm going to dive into just a few of the worksheets that we've put together. So we can start scheduling out what that communication will look like. 41:17 So this is an example of our so one of our social templates, the gift today, specifically designed for Facebook, and Instagram. So I have this side by side comparison here. This is of course, what the template inside of your, you know, the template could look like. And then this is an example of what it looks like in the wild. So again, we have our fundraising goal amount, we can see we've input that as 7500, we have our impact statement, our cause our impact statement again, and then are linked to our donation form. So here's just another example here. 41:56 So really, I mean, I know that most of you perhaps are not, I would advise maybe not doing a Facebook fundraiser per se, specifically for GivingTuesday. But I would suggest 42:12 high, highlighting or promoting your GivingTuesday campaign on social media outlets, with direct links to your donation forms, especially your neon CRM donation forms, you can really motivate your donors to give by addressing really kind of two important elements. When thinking about designing these social templates. One, again, is their identity, they want to see themselves as kind, generous, and part of a group of people who are willing to work together to support a cause they love. So again, having that impact statement, having direct ways that they can give. 42:53 The other part of that is 42:58 feeling of helping in solving the problem. So they want to know about the problems that currently exist, and how they can help. So as you engage your supporters on social media during Giving Tuesday, I think it's very important to focus on sharing, again, stories about the kinds of impact they can make, so your donors can make, and then invite them to tap into that generosity to support, you know, XYZ, I suggest mixing up your posts combine, you know, we have a ton of different templates, social templates that are included in our toolkit. 43:37 And it's a great way to get them organized and written before you post that way. You know, maybe you have a running kind of Google Doc with, Hey, I'm doing you know, this social post on this day, this social post in perhaps like having a thread that ties really the overall story together. 43:58 So running through these next few slides here, I'm just going to showcase a few sample templates, essentially, that are included in the toolkit. And again, this these are by no means like set in stone. These are just examples that we recommend. So this one is the month before giving Tuesday, which is essentially right now. So don't I mean, don't fret if you've literally done nothing. That's I would honestly say probably most organizations, we have a lot going on, but the month before giving Tuesday. So right now is really the time to start building a raise awareness around the campaign, right. So the goal is to get Giving Tuesday to your donor, get your GivingTuesday campaign, like out there in the world, to your donors on your donors radar, on your board members radar, so they're more likely to continually see it 45:00 engage with in insert and then of course support you hopefully I'm giving Tuesday. So 45:05 my suggestion is to use the Save the date 45:10 template in your neon CRM system. We have built out a save the date social template for Facebook, or Instagram or Twitter if you utilize those. This is a great time, if you to send it out if you if your organization sends out monthly knows newsletters, November is right around the corner. So I'm not sure if you send it out on the first or you know, whatever day. But even just having a brief mention, even if you don't have your GivingTuesday form set up yet to like link to just have a brief mention, hey, like we're locked like X amount of days, I think it's 34 days until Giving Tuesday, today. So here we have it broken out into the segment or audience, 45:55 the message and then the calls to action. So here we have the example newsletter going out to all of our current donors. We're just saying, hey, save the date. GivingTuesday is on November 29 2022. We have a direct link to add it to their calendar. 46:12 Yeah, Davina, I did not mention LinkedIn. I was actually thinking about that earlier today. And I think it's a great way. I've actually seen a few not so many organizations, but 46:28 I actually saw a gale 46:32 and I can't remember what company she works for. But her Giving Tuesday kind of Spiel or save the date was very interesting, because she was like Giving Tuesday is the new is the new Taco Tuesday in November. So she had kind of this whole 46:48 storyline. So she was giving back to the community by bringing on like three, 46:55 three taco restaurants within the community, who she talked with, who are gonna give you know, 100 burritos and 100 Tacos, and they're gonna give him out to feed community shelters. So donating to that campaign. So that was just one like very creative idea that was like, Oh, that's interesting. And she made a video on on LinkedIn. And I think LinkedIn is a great way to get the word out there, especially because so many organizations, I mean, use LinkedIn to update about events in just share resources and thought leadership within this space as well. 47:34 So jumping ahead, let's say we're, you know, out two weeks before giving Tuesday, so we have a bit more listed here. So a couple of weeks before Giving Tuesday is the time that you will start reaching out to your most loyal supporters. So that includes perhaps some of your major donors, that includes definitely your board members, volunteers, even just like highly engaged donors, in really asking them to advocate for you to help share your message. This is also a great way to start building, 48:12 not number one to build deeper relationships with your donors and board members. But also to kind of boost your campaigns visibility as well. So this doesn't necessarily mean Hey, board member donate to you know, don't forget, giving Tuesday's in two weeks, you know, please donate, it's more. So hey, we have compiled a few social posts for the upcoming giveaway, Giving Tuesday. And providing them with those giving them the exact you know, hey, can you copy and paste 48:45 our, our little pieces of content on your Facebook? Can you you know, create a social post on your your Instagram story to promote our GivingTuesday campaign. So providing them with the resources, it's almost like a 48:59 a peer to peer like a grassroots peer to peer fundraising campaign, almost like you're giving them the tools. So then they can go out to their networks and say, Hey, I'm posting this on my Facebook, I'm posting this on my Instagram story. You know, I'm doing that every other day or something like that. So if you do have have folks that are, you know, gung ho about that, right, this is a great opportunity to get folks way more involved in it, of course to like expand your visibility just within your organization. 49:34 And then, of course, while ah, the Day of Giving Tuesday, so today is the day you'll probably have very many active channels, very many different channels happening on this day. 49:49 So in the toolkit, as mentioned, you will find a lot of different emails and social posts that you can use and as you post one thing to remember is that your appeals will be 50:00 Most successful if you focus on the stories, the sharing of stories and the connecting your donors to the cause, 50:09 I would honestly avoid asking people to give simply because it's giving Tuesday. Again, really tying it back to the connection piece. 50:19 So we have up here just kind of examples of different emails. So tomorrow Tov is going to talk a bit more about the segmentation or building out your your audiences. So an example here that we have is we've put together an email likely using one of our templates that are for our one time donors. So we're pulling a list within our neon CRM system of all of our one time donors. And we're sending them the Giving Tuesday appeal number one. And we have a dedicated CTA, which is make my gift. Whereas we have created a segment of only our recurring donors, and they're getting a complete ly different appeal, which is giving Tuesday appeal number two, and then they have a call to action, which is upgrade my gift. 51:09 We've created one as an example here for a Facebook appeal. So this is Hey, Facebook fans, obviously this, that's all your Facebook followers. We're giving a short synopsis of what our Giving Tuesday campaign is. And it's not just a GivingTuesday campaign, because we're telling a story behind it. Click below to make your gift, they click on that. 51:32 bundles are that donation page that takes them directly to your Giving Tuesday donation page. So we have a variety of different other you know, options as we can see fit down here. 51:43 And I know we're running up here on time. 51:47 And then, of course, we cannot forget the day after giving Tuesday. So just because the day is done. And we have all of our automated thank yous and receipts, you know curated for the GivingTuesday campaign, that does not mean, we're done with this campaign. 52:06 So for here, it's now time the next day to get to the real work, which is to send some celebratory updates. So the goal today or the day after GivingTuesday is to share your fundraising results with all of your audiences, to make them feel amazing about giving to organization, 52:28 I would suggest that being specific as specific as you can about the outcomes they'll achieve with their gift or their impact will be most successful. So there's really two things that you can do here to increase the likelihood that you're giving Tuesday, donors continue moving forward to engage with your organization after giving Tuesday. One, of course, make your donors feel great by reiterating the impact that they will have with their kindness and generosity. Making donors feel good will make them more likely to support you again in the future. And to again be as specific as possible when describing their impact. People are very highly motivated by understanding how their gift makes a difference to real people to a real organization. So focus on sharing as many details as possible, about who they'll help and how. 53:26 So this is where we really can get into the message. So making sure we have very concrete impact statements from the get go in the planning process, we can easily apply them in all of our updates after giving Tuesday. 53:42 This is also something at you know, at the end of GivingTuesday. While we're in this process of like making sure we're celebrating all of our different segments of donors, maybe it's like, hey, 53:56 after this, you know, our organization is putting together like the sheer impact of all of it. So maybe that's two weeks after giving Tuesday, you wrote, you know, you over exceeded your goal, or you received, you know, 500 Blankets when you only asked for 100, blankets, things like that. So just making sure that we're 54:19 kind of building upon this day because it's yes, it's a one day kind of giving event, so to speak. 54:26 But it's also designed in can be designed as a way to 54:33 build deeper relationships with our bigger donors already, but then likely you'll receive a lot of new donors, especially if you're utilizing your board members and your volunteers 54:48 and your staff members to get the word out on their social media outlets. likely they'll have you know, their friends and family donating so really making sure that we can explain 55:00 The impact is, is really what I'm hitting home here. So I know we're coming up on the hour. 55:08 Um, if you have not already, 55:11 you do have direct access to the neon one Giving Tuesday toolkit. So as I just walked through today, this is only part of it. All of the templates that we kind of walk through in terms of the schedules are included. There are many more inside of this toolkit. We have all of the email examples in this toolkit, as well as the social media templates in this toolkit, and a bunch, a bunch more. We have tons of little tips and tricks to kind of get your your juices flowing in terms of creativity. 55:48 But again, I just want to say thank you, everyone who's joined today, I really hope this was helpful. And again, this is part one, which was just a brief explanation and walkthrough of our toolkit. Hopefully, it sounds like we had a pretty active chat group today. So thank you for everybody who entered in, or let us know of your ideas 56:13 in for those of you that kind of engaged and brought some new ideas to the room. I think that's incredible. So thank you. And again, join us tomorrow, because Toba will be actually diving into this system. So yes, this took an hour, we just thought it would be too much to be a full two hour long webinar. But tomorrow will be practical usage. So we're actually going to be going in to our neon CRM systems will will guide you and walk you through where you can find those email templates, how we can create them. 56:48 Toba is also going to walk us through how we can create segmentation within our audiences within just our donor pool. And then we'll be walking through just an example of a work, work or work flow, excuse me that we can set up to help automate some of your GivingTuesday processes as well. 57:08 So thank you very much. Yes, we will send out the recording. And for those of you actually, I'm gonna link this 57:17 right now. 57:20 It's on our website. But here is the 57:24 this is our Giving Tuesday. 57:28 And for those of you still here, I'll just walk through this. This is 33 days until Giving Tuesday. Just kidding. 57:34 This is our Giving Tuesday toolkit. So you can get resources here. If we scroll down. 57:42 You can easily download the entire toolkit here. If you want just for example, like the planning worksheets, we can download each of those here. 57:54 And then we have a ton of different resources as well. So we have you know, different timelines that can be you can take a look at, I believe, like the GivingTuesday communication timeline is pretty like, don't freak out because it's like starts, I think three or four months prior to this and goes on but it's still it's still valuable information to have. 58:17 But yes, go right ahead. 58:20 Take a look at that toolkit. And we will see all of you tomorrow, hopefully thank you so much. 58:29 Good to see everyone again today for part two of our GivingTuesday webinar. I will hello from Pittsburgh. Perfect. So if you want to put in your location, maybe what you ate for lunch. I'm I'm a foodie personally, so I always like to know any good thing good people are eating or what you're gonna have for dinner. I made a bolognese yesterday, so I had some leftovers. 58:57 Pin airpad. Yes. 59:00 That's in Chicago, LA. Virginia. 59:06 Ooh, gnocchi for lunch. That sounds really 59:13 good food here. Same summer. Yes, it is. I am in Chicago or just north of Chicago. And it is. I went to the gym this morning. It was like 35 degrees. So a little too cold for me, but 59:29 fantastic. 59:32 Yeah, I don't want it to be 35 either. I agree. I'm from California. I don't know why I'm here. 59:38 Alright, everyone. Well, thank you for joining. We're gonna go ahead and get started. So I'm Toba. I'm hosting part two of the webinar and the consulting manager here at NEON one. 59:50 So the agenda for today is we'll go through the introduction, a little housekeeping. You've already started using the chat Please continue to do that. 1:00:00 chat for questions. If you have questions that you want specific answers to, if you use the q&a, we're going to have I have a consultants on the call as well to make sure to get those answered for you. So specific questions, but in the q&a, any kind of idea sharing or general questions for the group, please continue to use the chat yesterday, I saw a lot of that and I love that. So continue to do that. We'll go through some Giving Tuesday prerequisites kind of a looking at what we did yesterday, the toolkit and then we'll go into the system. So we'll get the toolkit where everything actually exists on on your in your system. We'll look at strategy best practices and then how to follow up from GivingTuesday as you head into Jaret. 1:00:50 So a little bit about me, my name is Tova, I started. I'm the consulting manager. Now I started in neon one, three years ago in sales and moved to professional services. My background is actually in youth programming nonprofits. So I was a youth director, I did recruitment, I did college programming. And right now I'm mostly involved in animal rescue. Although I had to stop volunteering at the shelter, because I have three rescue animals now. And we can't take any more. So I had to pause for a minute. And accessibility. Musician and mom have twin boys and a sweater enthusiast and love sweaters. It is my favorite thing on the planet. 1:01:32 little housekeeping, this is being recorded, I say, and I need to check. Yes, I see the recording on this has been recorded. So you will get an email following up for both parts as well as recordings and slides, transcripts, all of that, you'll get a follow up email. We will be taking questions so use the chat and use the q&a. And then we have a lot of resources. So besides the recordings, you also have that toolkit that's online, and you'll get the link to that as well. So you have all your planning worksheets and anything that's being shown you'll have. 1:02:11 So before we jump into the system itself, a couple of follow up things from yesterday. It's really good. And I'm a big proponent is before even using technology, because sometimes that can be overwhelming as it is really make sure that you know your strategy going in. So Sam talked yesterday about planning sheets, identifying target audiences. So who are you trying to get donations from? Who are you targeting for giving Tuesday? It could be everyone in your system. It could just be major donors. It could be reoccurring donors really identifying that plan you're giving to stay branding. So is it going to be different than your regular branding? Are you going to have certain stories that are standouts, forgetting to say and then solidify your communication schedule? So this includes email messaging, how many emails when they're going out, as well as social media and social messaging as well. Any quick questions before we jump into the system? Looking at the chat, 1:03:16 Sam just sent the link for the toolkits, the planning sheets and everything. So you'll have that in the chat. 1:03:23 Perfect. 1:03:27 All right, so let's go ahead and get into neon. So I'm logged in to right now to our nonprofit Agloe Nature Center. Before anything you do with giving Tuesday specific My rule of thumb is any kind of fundraising should have its own campaign. So what you'll do is you'll go to fundraising here, go to fundraising campaigns. 1:03:50 And you're going to create one that's specific to Giving Tuesday, I've already done that, I'm gonna just type it in because there's a lot of them in here. 1:04:01 The key to doing campaign specific for Giving Tuesday is for reporting purposes. So it's a lot easier to figure out who gave for that purpose of giving Tuesday, but also in a follow up. So we'll talk about kind of automation follow up workflow follow up. This having a campaign having donations go to one place really, really easy, and it's easy for different kinds of follow up communication you want to do down the road. 1:04:29 Once you have that campaign set up, we're going to then go into our forms. So I will go view more. I'm going to go to forms and pages. This is the start of your toolkit. So go forms 1:04:46 and then you're going to have your toolkit that's already populated here. So if I just go ahead and type in Giving Tuesday 1:04:58 you're gonna see all of these 1:05:00 templates that is pre populated inside of your system. So you don't have to create any of these are already created for you, what you can do is edit them. So we do have a general giving to save form, as well as some that are referenced around different themes or different missions. So I went ahead and edited the animals one, 1:05:22 I'm gonna click into that. 1:05:25 And then you can edit from there, I'm just going to show you the constituent view. 1:05:33 So this is going to be my form on my website, I wanted to have specific call out amounts, but I they can type in whatever they want, you can have the selection of different campaigns, if you want I did to just you could see the different options, or you can just have one available option. So if there is, you know, giving Tuesday or annual fund, you want to give them that option that you can then you have in donation or memory, or in dedication, memory, honor of someone. 1:06:05 And then any information that you want here. So if you want this is a great time to if you're trying to engage new donors to have information custom fields on them that you wouldn't normally have in the system. So a newsletter opt in maybe maybe a volunteer project interest, this can really be helpful engaging them down the road. So after they've donated, you don't have to keep asking them for money. Because that can get really cumbersome. It can also feel like I don't want to keep asking the same people for money. Volunteering is a really great option to engage people. 1:06:41 So I'll fill this in, and then I'll donate I can show you on the form itself. So all do to edit the form is press the Edit icon. 1:06:52 And then what I'll put in here, this is really where you want to put your impact statement statement, your mission, why you're trying to raise funds on Giving Tuesday. So this can be you know, just a general statement. This can also be a story. So yesterday, we talked about those impact stories, user stories, really, why should they give to you on GivingTuesday, we saw Milly story about the phosphoserine program. This is you can put that here, you can put an email, you can also duplicate in multiple places. So if you see the image, it's very similar to the email, we want to keep the imagery and the messaging pretty consistent across all of the GivingTuesday branding. 1:07:34 From here, then I can select if I want it to be donate once or reoccurring donation, really with the don't give me Tuesday's a one off event. So you could just say donate once, that's very typical. If you wanted to do this as a reoccurring donor drive, that's also available. So you can do whatever you want here, you'll do call it amounts, and then your general fields, you can just drag in here. 1:08:03 And you'll have your payment details. 1:08:07 I'm not going to spend too much time on the form just because this is we've done this in other trainings, I just want to make sure you get all the toolkit and where everything exists. But you can create a theme, the giving, we do have GivingTuesday themes. So the ones that are already populated on the forms are specifically for those themes. But you can see we have other ones here. 1:08:31 And as your thank you, 1:08:35 as well as any settings you want to change. I'm gonna pause for a second here and just see if there's any questions. 1:08:47 I saw the newsletter, option choice. Yeah, so within all the all the forms, we have what we call standard Fields and Custom Fields. So if I go back in here, a standard field would be something along the lines of first name, last name, email address, any kind of very broad identifier, any kind of custom field would be something that you put in, so you would have to put in the custom fields ahead of time, in order to drag them in there, a custom field you can put in by going to Global Settings, and then clicking account custom fields, I would recommend doing all accounts you'll see a couple options. So you put those in ahead of time. And then you can drag and drop them here and have them they'll populate onto the accounts themselves 1:09:39 change the photo in the background. Yes. So with the theme. So let me go back into themes. If I wanted to. And let me just go and see what theme I am on. I have the animal themes will be fine where that exists. Here it is. If I go to the dots here, the action dots, I can go edit theme 1:10:01 From here, I can edit the font, I can add the color, the theme, as well as the background image, mirror, the image, header, footer, all of that content. This is great too, if you have a branding guide, I will mention branding a lot, it's top of my mind, I just lead a session on branding. But if you do have a branding guide, you can put your those hex colors in here. So you have exact colors to match as well as fonts. 1:10:34 Perfect. 1:10:44 Perfect. All right. So I see that's most of the questions, I will go ahead and move on. So first part of your toolkit is in the forms, you want to make sure your donation form is there, it makes sense, it's giving the impact you want. From there, we're going to go ahead and move on to communications. So we're gonna go into emails, 1:11:07 and email campaigns. So there's a couple of ways as far as email audiences, you could start, you could start in reports, create a report around the audience you want initially, or you can start into your audience first. So we're going to go into our email audience first. 1:11:27 So with the pre work with the email, actually, I'm gonna go into email campaigns, just to show you that part of the toolkit, give me one second. So your second part of your toolkit will exist in email campaigns. 1:11:42 And if I just type in Giving Tuesday, you'll see I want you to see all of them. 1:11:50 You'll see these are already pre populated into your systems. You'll see yesterday Sam talked about scheduling. So how often what are they going to do, we're going to a save the date and give today a first appeal a second appeal. They have we have the templates for all of those. So we'll go ahead and see those 1:12:08 automatically here. 1:12:11 I'm gonna click and I just did a give today animal and animal welfare. With all of the emails, my recommendation leading up to Giving Tuesday and including day of is to just set up the different emails and send do Ascendance schedule. So set set up when you want to send those emails out individually overdoing a workflow, I know workflows were mentioned, I'll show you how to best use workflows. But you're going to have a lot more flexibility as far as your target audiences within the email campaigns, then you will on a workflow. So we're going to start here. And that's why we have all of these in the email campaigns. So if I go ahead and click here 1:12:54 we saw my lead story yesterday, this is where my lead story originated. So I will do go ahead and edit the name and the subject and then edit the audience. I'm going to show you my audience. So you can see. I'll put that in I have 52 recipients this is my target donors for giving Tuesday. I can show you right after this, how I pulled that report as far as how to get really narrow with your target audience. 1:13:22 Then we have our content here. 1:13:25 And I'm gonna edit it just to show you 1:13:30 see, I have your logo, I have my Miley's story, I have a picture. 1:13:38 And then all of these bold areas like you saw yesterday, how they look in other templates is it would say in quotes raise amounts to help other animals like 1:13:49 the story 1:13:52 in purpose will be here. So you'll have a lot of Q's as far as what to put in. If it's in bold, that means you do need to replace that language. If it has these paragraph, these parentheses around it, it needs a token so that if that's already in our system, it will be automatically filled in. 1:14:13 Just to show you what another one looks like if I go back to email campaigns, and I'll leave this 1:14:22 I'm gonna go to another giving to say that I did not manipulate already. 1:14:31 Let's do the Gibbs today. I just want you to see what that template looks like without me doing anything. 1:14:40 So 1:14:45 you'll see it says it gives you Q so open with a brief success story. Impact Statement, goal amount, impact statement group. So all of these bolded fields are something you'll need to replace with what's relevant 1:15:00 descriptor impact statements. So we are trying to give as many cues as possible to make it as easy as possible. 1:15:07 Before the next I'm going to go into his polling that targeted audience, I want to really make sure you know how to get really narrow with your scope. Let me look at the chat just to see 1:15:22 do you host your zoom lesson on how to do step by step, we are as far as moving forward trying to do smaller group trainings that's on 2023 on my radar. 1:15:35 Looking 1:15:38 thank you for the feedback on it's easy to use. Yeah, the new forms and the new email templates are really, really have been a game changer for us. 1:15:47 Perfect. All right. So let me now go ahead and show you how to pull a really specific audience. So I'm gonna go into 1:16:00 my emails, I'm gonna go into my email audiences. 1:16:04 So I'm gonna pull an audience of who I want to target for giving Tuesday, your follow up target will be anyone that donates to that campaign that we initially set up. So I'm going to go into GivingTuesday target donors, that is the one I initially set up. 1:16:23 And then you can add a couple different ways, so you can pull it on the spot. Or you can add from a live report I edited I added from a live report, I like to do a report first and then add it in just because I already had it in my system, but you can build on the spot as well. I'm going to edit this for you just to show you what I did. 1:16:44 So I did a donor report, because I'm trying to track who my donors where 1:16:50 I'm going to edit that criteria. The account type equals individual, this just means that I'm targeting individuals, not companies. So you'll have two options with account type, it's good to differentiate in case you have if you don't have any companies, if you just have all individuals, you don't need to differentiate. But it's good to do, it's just kind of making sure that you understand who you're targeting the donation date, I wanted everyone that donated after on or after November 1 2020. And I wanted to make sure everyone also donated either 20 or more dollars. So I'm trying, I'm trying to avoid kind of the $5. I'm trying to avoid any donor coverage fees. So usually those come in at smaller amounts around $2 $3. I don't want to know those people, I just really want to know who gave over $20. 1:17:42 So this is going to be what we call an Andrew report. So in order to be in this audience, someone would have to fit all three of these, if you wanted to then say, okay, but I don't want to over communicate with my donors, which is very common, then you can do something called exclude from results. So if I go down here, there'll be a section that says include and results exclude from results, I already clicked it so it's not showing up there. But if you click that, I said I don't I don't want their last donation date to be greater than January 2022. So I want to make sure that anyone from January till now is not getting targeted, because they already gave and maybe I don't want to bug them maybe they already gave a good amount. And so I'm gonna make sure that you don't get this information. 1:18:34 You can even do search within results. Or you can do what we call work criteria, that's just adding search groups. So this means I want either someone that fits all of these or someone that you know maybe gave more than $50 or gave under a certain amount so you want to make sure if this is a I would say the adding the search group is giving a broader criteria. This is the answer giving a more narrow criteria. It depends if you want to broaden it up or narrow it down. I'm not going to go too much more in depth with reporting we can go really detailed I just want to make sure to see a couple things you can do with it reports 1:19:20 I'm gonna look at the chat to see me on one Academy is rate has the has a great reporting class as well. 1:19:31 Perfect. 1:19:34 So once you have your email audience, I pulled it, I have it in my email audience, I can run this report here 1:19:47 and then they can put save email lists you'll see this pop up. That means you're going to add it to an email audience. So we'll go ahead and save it 1:20:01 And now it's in my list. So all I have to do is connect it to that email. And then press Send and schedule. So let's go ahead and do that. So I'm gonna go back into my email campaigns 1:20:18 I'm going to make sure here I have my email, I'm going to make sure my audience is connected. Yes, that's the audience. If not, I can edit the audience. Make sure the sender name and email is correct. You can even send a test email to yourself just to make sure everything's formatted the way you want. 1:20:37 And then I would press schedule and send. And then I can say I want to schedule it on at a time, send it immediately even select the time zone. So this is a great way to this is why doing that planning sheet of deciding when you're sending out those emails is so important, because that's going to really dictate what you put here. 1:20:58 I'm not going to schedule it, because I don't want to send it right now. 1:21:03 Any questions on the emails before we finalize with the follow up from getting to stay? 1:21:20 Save emails, option works results. 1:21:30 don't see anything? 1:21:33 Yes, there's that test email right here, the send a test email, you just click here, if I set this in, I can put what email I want. And then I will go so if I put my email in 1:21:50 cuz I put a space, I should not do that. And I'll send this and then in my email, I should get a test. 1:21:58 So it's really easy to see. 1:22:01 Perfect, so now the last piece of it is going to be follow up. 1:22:06 So follow up. This is where I love workflows. 1:22:11 I'm gonna go to tools up here and go to workflows. 1:22:19 Let me go ahead and type in giving. I know it's when I created 1:22:24 GivingTuesday donor follow up. 1:22:28 So this is why having a campaign is really easy. If I edit this workflow. 1:22:35 I'm going to see conditional triggers. So you're going to have different triggers. One is going to be an event, a date or condition. 1:22:44 An event is something being done usually for the first time. So creation, this is great in general, not great for something specific. So you can do workflows in general, we're going to keep it more specific date is going to be more first last. 1:23:02 And then conditional is going to be specific for something that you're targeting. So like a campaign. So we put campaign name equals Giving Tuesday. So now, actually, let me change it to Giving Tuesday webinar, there was multiple domain Tuesdays. 1:23:21 So now I know everyone who gives to that campaign is going to automatically be enrolled into this workflow. 1:23:31 Now I have my actions, the first thing I wanted to do was update the Account field, the Account field is the type. So if you look into the account, they'll see a section that says type, you want to make sure it's an individual type or a company type, you have to differentiate between the two. And then you can add, so I can say if they donate to Giving Tuesday, they're an ambassador, or if they give to Giving Tuesday, then they're a prospect or major donor, but you can really select what you want to tag them in. This helps for further communication. 1:24:04 After that, I added a time delay to add any fields, you'll just click the plus signs between 1:24:11 and then we'll give you all your options. Your time delay is going to be here, you can do a week, a day, a month, really any kind of time you want. 1:24:22 And then I have my week time delay, and then I'm gonna send an email and I'm gonna say, Hey, since and I can expand this to see now Hey, thanks since your donation, you know, a bow who is our coyote has been moved to a new home and is thriving his new environment, here's a picture of him. So it's not just letting them know how their money is helping to give. It's also letting them know how their money helped post. So this really helps engage your donors 1:24:57 and that in another time delay for four weeks 1:25:00 I need another email, this email is telling that we have an event coming up nature in the winter. So really making sure that they're continuing to be engaged. From there, I did an if then brand, so I want to know, if anyone signs up, then I don't do anything great. They're involved. If anyone doesn't sign up for that events, then I want to have an activity created to call them and say, Hey, I know you gave, we'd really love to meet you and see you and get you involved. So this is just kind of an example. But we can go into more detail. But I think the follow up from especially something where you're pushing on social media, you're trying to engage new donors I saw yesterday, someone was trying to engage younger donors or a different demographic of donor, having them engaged afterwards. And still letting them know the impact they're having is really important. So I'm gonna go ahead and look at the chat 1:25:59 Yeah, to reiterate, so any kind of support you need throughout any of this, there is this question at the question mark at the top of the screen, it's a help if you click on that you'll get to our Support Center, which is going to be guides and videos are suggestions portal which is near you can actually if you have suggestions on how to improve the platform, or any kind of feature that you would like to add to it, you put that in there, that's how our product team knows what to update or develop next, and then our new one Academy which is our courses and learning pads 1:26:40 so I just see a question in the queue and a rolling them if they're successful in creating a negotiation associated guests. 1:26:49 So in the workflow, they would have to succeed in making that donation so they would have to make a donation in order to be involved into the workflow transaction would have to be completed 1:27:05 Okay, 1:27:07 so for getting Tuesday as far as where it exists in your system, you're gonna have your your forms, you're gonna have your campaign emails, which you send in schedule, create your follow up workflow as well as any kind of reports you want to you can save report so that they come in and are populated and make sure you have that campaign. 1:27:28 Is there any other questions? I know this is fairly quick, but it's a blessing that it's already in your system 1:27:39 in the chat about a B testing, so we don't have anything that's you know, AV testing specific in the system, you could create your own AV testing. So you could say, you know, here's I'm gonna do two different email audiences and I want to see how each one performs based on different emails or but we don't have anything set up where it will randomize it for you as far as AB testing 1:28:21 any other questions? 1:28:29 Perfect. So let me go back into 1:28:40 workflows pending. Oh, yeah. So you want to make sure that if you're doing a workflow that you activate it, I would save it here. 1:28:50 That's a great point. So you would save it and you would make sure that is active. 1:28:59 So this is a setting that in my test system is not working right now. But in your system, it should work you could just toggle this over to active. 1:29:19 Perfect, okay. So let me go back in here. 1:29:25 Just as a reminder, you will get back GivingTuesday toolkits will get those planning sheets will get everything to fill out ahead of time so that want the more prep work you do the easier will be to do everything in your system and have it really set and scheduled and have a good turnout. 1:29:48 And I put questions we does ask for questions. 1:29:53 Perfect. Sam, is there anything else you would like to add? From yesterday takeaway, you'll get the record 1:30:00 as well as all the resources 1:30:09 Yeah, thanks, everybody. I think we, yeah, we'll be we'll be as tilba mentioned, we'll be sending out the recordings for both part one as well as part two, along with the slide decks, I did put the link at the beginning of this chat to the resource center page. So this is located on our website. 1:30:33 And if you scroll down, or actually, you can just click on the Get My Resources tab to download the full resource kit. And actually, if you scroll down a little bit further on that page, you can just easily download the entire toolkit. And then we have it broken out into planning worksheets, email templates, and then some of the social media templates that we talked a bit about yesterday. If you scroll down a tad further, there's that meme on the web. So great. We want to walk through it. Yes. Awesome. Yeah. So if you click over to the Giving Tuesday Resource Center, so get free resources. 1:31:13 So this, this entire page is actually dedicated strictly to Giving Tuesday. So 1:31:20 if you scroll down a bit, 1:31:23 yep, keep going. Keep going. Yep, right here, we can download the entire toolkit. And then we also have 1:31:33 it broken out into, you know, say you're like, hey, I actually, you know, I've done all my planning, I just want the email templates, great, you can actually go down a little lower and download the templates directly from there. 1:31:48 Exactly. And then, if you scroll down even a little further, 1:31:54 keep going. We have a variety of these GivingTuesday resources that extend through end of year. So these are also going to be downloaded downloadable PDFs, I believe every single one of them. So these are also great resources to have as well. 1:32:13 Just to kind of walk you through that. And I don't think you yet mentioned Toba, but we are we will be launching our year end resources and templates here soon. So very similar to our GivingTuesday templates, but obviously, more more focused on our year end. 1:32:34 I believe they're already in the system. I think this was on the last release. So it will already be the template should already be in there. And we'll prepare some resources and some training around that as well. Yep, exactly. 1:32:51 Awesome, I think we got some great questions, some really good feedback about our forms, neon one Academy. And folks, please know that me on the new neon one Academy actually just launched earlier this month. So our team is still hard at work on providing even more resources within the academy. So be on the lookout for that. And if you do have any questions or want want to purchase additional training, I think Tyler put in a link to be able to book additional consulting time. And I believe you can actually book directly from the academy 1:33:29 or I believe there's a resource or a link somewhere in there. 1:33:33 If not, the link is in the chat. 1:33:36 Perfect and we'll send it in the follow up email as well. Thank you, everyone. Entire Thank you just put it in. Again. Thank you everyone for joining. We're hoping to have more of these toolkits moving forward. It's a great way just to have things pre built for you. So you have to do less work, less planning and have branding that is already thought about. So thank you, everyone. We look forward to the next training Transcribed by https://otter.ai